Friday, August 04, 2006

Squeaky Bra

Just for a Laugh I thought I would share this with you. I was down in the basement unloading the washing machine, and everytime I moved I heard this squeaking noise. I though OH NO! my body is already squeaking and making noise, I am only 33 what in the world am I going to sound like at 40. The more my top part moved the more the squeaking.....then I started shifting the girls and lol and behold it was my bra that was doing the squeaking. Thank goodness I wasn't in public when it was happening. Can you just imagine what someone would think if they heard my top half squeaking everytime I moved. LOL!!!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

How in the world did that happen? What would make it squeaky! Desiree you are weird. You always make me laugh