Monday, September 04, 2006


How can 2 people have a child together and yet never inact with that child like they should on a daily basis.....I mean after all these 2 people do live with their child. I detest neglectful parents who don't take an interest in shaping and guiding their child through their infancy, toddlerhood, preschool years, childhood, pre-teens and teen years. It is our God given responsibility to being a role model and guidance advisor to these special blessings that God has put in our lives. I also detest parents who think that it is someone elses responsibility to raise their children, then they grip and act put out when they have to deal with a situation dealing with THEIR child(ren). These same people are the people who give you a dirty look when you discipline your child(ren) and try keeping them in line. They never discipline their child(ren), after all why would they when they have someone else raising THEIR children. Now, on to my real vent......if you don't know how to parent, take a parenting class or don't have children. I really want to say this to someone I know personally. However since I can't because that would cause a HUGE ordeal, I have to bite my lip and idly stand by and watch (from a great distance) while their child (only child) suffers from their lack of experience. It is even sadder to me because this child could have other issues that need to be met and dealt with, but they are so inexperienced in what they are doing they do not seem to be seeing these issues. Yet, again the issues the child is having could simply be from poor parenting. Either way though, this is still correctable and should be corrected as soon as possible, before it is too late. Oh and I have not even gotten to the good part, they feel like they want to homeschool their child, yet the child is 2 1/2yrs old and still not allowed to look at book (and they surely don't read to the child). They are afraid the child is going to ruin the books. A family member bought them a baby leappad for the childs first Christmas and they have never let the child play with it, because they don't want him to ruin it. Come on, it's a child's toy.....a learning toy at that. The child is suppose to play with it, that is why the family member bought it for the child. Thankfully they don't plan (well at least the dad doesn't) to have any more children. It is hard to see things and not be able to say anything about it. I don't think that they would listen to me anyways, even if I did say something. Not to mention these people are very ME ME ME oriented, it shows trust me in their parenting skills. Of course they feel like they are doing a wonderful job. But if I can see issues in this child that I have only seen 2 times in their lifetime, then needless to say they aren't doing such a wonderful job because they should have caught these things a long time ago. I know that I will be worrying about this child every day now for the rest of their lives. But wait this is not the only family I know with issues.
There is this family with 2 children a pre-teen girl and a teen boy. The boy is the apple of his parents eye, everything they do is for him. Now, I know what you are thinking how is that bad. In away it isn't, but when the other child suffers it is. That is exactly what is going on here. The young lady, is reguired to attend all her brothers functions, which he has been in some since he was in preschool. Yet she is not given the priviledge to be in activity, they will interfer with her beloved brothers schedule. The parents don't take the time to even help her with her school work. Which is suffering, she barely made it in to junior high school. I am concerned about her, what will become of her as she continues to grow up in this atmosphere. I fear she will run away, get pregnant or even worse get caught up in the wrong crowd and turn to drugs for attention. Both children are expected to get straight A's anything less is not their best. The parents do not take into consideration the fact that they have 2 totally different child, both requiring different ways to study and the fact that maybe their best is a B and not an A. Why can't they just love and accept them for the individuals that they are? They are not carbon copies of each other. Why can't they see that? Now I have 2 children to worry about, not to mention raising my own. I know you are asking why doesn't she just worry about her own child? These children are simply as much a part of my as my own child(ren), even though I never gave birth to either of them. Of course my child(ren) always come first, but I can still worry and pray for these children.