Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter Baskets

Just wanted to share a picture of the Easter Baskets that I made for Edward (the one with the bow) and Kirk. I despise the pre-done baskets. I enjoy making them up myself and customizing them to the person who is receiving them. What is your feeling about them?

Decorating Cookies

Our local Kitchen Store had a free Easter Cookie Decorating Activity for kids today. I took Edward and they let him decorate two cookies. He got to choose between egg shaped ones and bunny ones, he choose to do two egg shaped ones. He had a blast. He enjoyed doing it. Here are some pictures of him decorating his cookies.

Friday, April 06, 2007


Edward loved dying his Easter Eggs tonight before we went to bed. Tomorrow daddy will take him for a few hours so mommy can deal with the Easter Basket and hiding the eggs in the house (too cold to do it outside) for him to find after they get back. Here is some pictures of him dying his eggs. I loved the dying kit we used this year, it was called Dunk An Egg, came with everything including the containers to hold the dye. Very easy clean-up. We only did 10 eggs (2 broke during the boiling process) this year, enough for our little family to enjoy some egg salad or deviled eggs later this week.


When we took Sebastian (our Beagle) to the vet last week. I convinced them (finally) to give him something for Arthritis. He has been very stiff in the hind legs, he has even fallen down our stairs a few times and sometimes can't even get up them. Well, the new vet (the last time we saw a vet was right before we moved from Oklahoma last June) agreed to put him on a 2 week trial of meds to see if we can see a difference in him. Well, I am so happy we have. He has a little more pep in him, is able to mange the stairs much better, and he isn't as touchy in his hind legs. He was so touchy before from being in pain. He has only been taking the meds for about 4 days now. Both Kirk and I are so pleased, it seems he has been given a little more of his life back...he is even up moving around more even with this cold weather we have gotten all of a sudden. I hope that they keep him on the meds. The bad news with Sebastian though is that he is almost completely deaf now do to ear problems. There is nothing we can do for this, unfortuantly. As long as he has a good healthy quality life, that is all we care about and want for him.

Snow Update!

Just a short note to let you know that we ended up getting a little over 2 inches of snow after it was all said and done yesterday. Today it is just stinking COLD outside!!! BRRRRRR!!!!!! Edward had Kindermusik this morning, forgot to grab his coat on the way out the door. Poor Little Guy!!! It is only suppose to be 54 Sunday, I have a short outfit for Edward for Easter. We are suppose to have an outdoor sunrise service at Church, I am hoping that move it inside so we all don't freeze to death. I think we will do Easter Egg Hunting tomorrow in the house. Edward has an Easter Egg hunt tonight and it is suppose to be outside, I am hoping that the Rec Center changes its mind and moves it inside so the kids wont catch colds since it is at 730pm. BRR!!!!!!

Please Mr. Postman!!

Wow! Edward is beside himself. He got a card yesterday in the mail from his Godmother Jennifer with 2 dollars to buy an ice cream cone and today he received 3 packages. One from his Grandma Bev that had a Jesus Storybook Bible (for Easter and His Dedication), some grow capsules with sea animals (he is watching them grow right now....they will be cool for sponge painting) and a cool Puzzle card. He also received one from his Nana in a cool bag that was full with Peanut Butter M&Ms, an egg that had play dough with 2 Easter forms to shape it, a duck with bubbles and some Noah's Ark Playing Cards....oh and a dolphin shape grow me wash cloth. And last but defiantly not least he received a package from his other Godmother Trisha, she sent him some fun sheet foam animals to make (3 of them), 2 rubber duckies (one in an Easter Egg and the other dressed like a bunnie) and a baggie full of Dum Dum Suckers (he loves these). He was totally delighted and happy to be the center of attention with mail today. He says thank you all so very much!!!! He loved each thing and was so excited with everything.

Bath Challenge

LOL! Leave it to Edward. He is the hardest child to get into the tub, it isn't because he doesn't want to take a bath.....he is just to busy to take the time out from what he is doing to come take one. I have to laugh though because once we get him into the bath then we can't get him out usually because then he is to busy playing in there. Got to love that boy!

Thursday, April 05, 2007


It is simply amazing to me how much Edward's imagine has grown over the last year. He has a very active imagination. It is fun to sit and watch him play. He walks around pretending to talk on his wrist (like Diego does on his video watch). He pretends to talk to daddy on a phone, drive cars and trains, be a baby, be a parent, be a musician, be a super hero, ride in a boat or just about anything else he can come up with. He uses the dogs sometimes in his adventures. Especially Stormy, she has become his playmate at times.

Where did Spring Go?????

Kirk called a little bit ago, asking if he had stepped into a time warp this morning because he could swear yesterday it was April but today it is February. LOL!!! It started snowing here at 1:30ish this afternoon and is still coming down over 2 and half hours later. Big Fluffy White Snowflakes. Thought you would love to see some pictures of it, so I included them above for you. One is of our street (the bottom one) and the other is of our house with our blooming Red Bud (yes I know it is purple but it is called a Red Bud (Oklahoma State Tree)) tree in the front. I am so happy we have a few of these trees around because they are my favorites. Just a side note.

Finalized Floor Pictures

Thought you would love to see how our floors came out. We absolutely love them. The first picture is after the stain and first 2 sealant coats have been put on. The last 2 pictures of the finalized Floors after the 3 and final sealant coat was put on and dried. We still haven't been able to move things back into the room completely as I have to apply felt strips to the bottom of almost everything. Will post another picture once everything is moved back into the room and it is put back together.