Thursday, November 17, 2011

A tribute to my husband and our marriage

Kirk lost his arm just about 7 yrs ago (actually in just 3 more days), so now there are lots of things I have to do for him and even though I have to do them now (because there is no way he can do them), I still do them for him with love. I have to tie his shoes, cut his meat (usually in restaurants we have special knives here at home), hold things for him while he is working on them and the list goes on. It's doing it out of love and not because I am required too. We'll be married 20 yrs in Feb and we've been through more than most folks in a marriage, and we are still going strong because we work out of love for each other at it each and every day. You have to learn to adjust to the new things a marriage brings you and be thankful for the beautiful things that brought you together in the first ... you usually find even more beautiful things that bond you together as you grow together in your marriage.