Friday, August 11, 2006

Oh What A Day!!!

Well after quite an interesting day yesterday, we actually arrived in Seattle in one piece. The interesting thing is, is that I did not know what was going on until I arrived at the airport in KS to check in. Imagine my suprise when I found out that all liquid and gels were not permitted to beyond the security check point. Sure you could buy a drink in the airport while you waited for the plane, but you had to dump that too before you board the plane, even though you bought it in the airport. Luckily for me I had packed everything in our check-in luggage but a sippy cup of soda for Edward and a bottle of liquid Motrin. Had to put the Motrin in my Check-On Luggage and dump the soda. No big deal. But that wasn't the end of our excitement for the day. Nope, not at all. Get to Denver for our connection flight, and have almost an hour delay. Luckily it was only a hour delay (I learned that a few flights here and there were cancled completely. ). We arrived in SeaTac only about 40 minutes late. However once I got to the rental car people that was a whole different story. DO NOT RENT FROM ADVANTAGE. Lets just say it was an awful experience and I wanted to cry after the day I had had. Today was much better. We went to the Pacific Science Center, then to the Space Needle for lunch. Then afterwards to the amusement park area of the Seattle Center where they have all the kiddie rides. Let Edward ride a few rides. He had a blast. Could have stayed longer but grandma (mine, edward's great grandma) was getting tired. We also went with my mom and her 2 charges that she Nanny's for. One is 2 1/2 yrs and the other 4 mos old. Well that about it here for now. Will try to keep you updated as we go along with our vacation. God Bless!!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

We survived

Well we're back from oral surgery for Edward. He was a trooper and went with the nurses willingly....almost made me cry. They said he was awesome and that he didn't cry at all. He was done in just a matter of minutes. Waiting for them to take him back was the longest part of the whole ordeal. We arrived at 615am and were walking out the door by about 750am. He doesn't seemed phased by any of it...he is already being Edward. :0)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Wiggles Live

We (thanks to Kirk) were able to take Edward to see the Wiggles live tonight. He (and we) had a blast. It was fun and very active. If you ever get a chance to see them live, I suggest it highly. It is a delightful experience for the whole family. I will say that if you do go, take a long a rose (or two) for Dorothy the Dinosaur, a bone for Wags the Dog and a homemade signs about the Wiggles with your child(ren)s name(s) on it. This will make your experience all the better. I promise fun will be had by all.

Oral Surgery Tomorrow

Edward has his Oral Surgery tomorrow. I am nervous about my son being put under and having a surgical procedure done on him (even though I know it is just a small procedure). He is my baby and I want to be there with him during this but during the actual surgery....even before they put him under....we can't be with him. I know he is going to cry and scream, fight them to get to us. I just know it is going to break his heart and mine. Luckily for me Kirk, will be there with me. I don't think I could go through this alone. Will let you know how it went.

PCOS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I was just writing I have a friend with Lupus, and like Lupus, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a disease that there is not much known about. So I can understand to some degree what my friend with Lupus faces on a daily, lots of people think she is just faking or is a hypo-conderact. My PCOS has brought me closer to God. It has allowed me to learn so much. My Faith in the Lord is very strong because of it. I was able to work in a day care and to be a nanny for 5 years before God blessed us with a child of our own. I was able to learn patience, important nurturing, unconditional love, and just how to raise a child with love and acceptance for who they are. People say that God doesn't give us diseases or allow bad things to us. Of course He doesn't give us disease but he does allow them to happen to us and other things that will cause trials in our lives. He does it out of love for us not out of hate. He wants us to grow stronger in our faith and walk with him. Sometimes he allows things to happen to put us back in our place. I love Him for this.

Wishing I could still be of help to her

I have a dear friend who has Lupus. I wish there was more known about this disease and how it works, to give her some relieve. I fear for her all the time. Especially right now, she seems to be getting worse and not better, no matter what regime of meds her specialist puts her on. I wish I did not have to move away from her. I wish I was still by her so I could help her with things as simple as grocery shopping, which just wears her out now a days. I wish she had someone living with her to help her out, basically I wish she wasn't single but had a wonderful husband to help pick up the loose ends on the days that her disease puts her in bed all day. Someone who could work while she stays at home so that she will not have to worry about finances and making sure she has Health Insurance. Sometimes I wonder (and I know she does too) why her? Then we both have to remember that God never gives us more than we can handle. Sometimes the trials He allows to be placed in our paths are to make us stronger and others are a test of our faith in Him. We just need to lean on Him a little hard so that we can make it through, our reward will be given to us in Heaven.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Sisters Misplaced

I have a wonderful friend, who is very much like me....I swear (and she does too) that we are sisters who were seperated after I was born (I am 2 yrs younger). My friend is so special that when I am down or happy, I can call her and no matter what she is doing she will listen to me. She is my friend and sister at heart. How is it possible that 2 people who have never met in person, be so very much alike? God blessed me with this dear friend and sister at heart in 1997. We met through an add I posted on an AOL site. It is so hard to believe that we will know each other for 10 yrs in 2007, yet we have never met. I hope that one day (soon) we will be able to meet....I know that we will have a blast together. She is truely special and one of a kind. Without her I would be a lost soul, wondering around looking for me. She has helped me so much in finding who I am. She is my inspiration, my strength and support. I pray that I am these things for her too. Friendships like ours don't come around that many times in ones lifetime if at all. So I am truly blessed by the gift God has given to each of us through this friendship.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Grouchhhhheeeeeeeeeee Husbands

I don't know about you but I hate waking up to a grouchy spouse. My husband has woken up grouchy every day this weekend. It sucks because it puts me in a terrible, especially when I know that I woke up in a great mood. Then he blames his grouchy mood on me because he says my sour mood (that I got from waking up to his grouchy one) has put him in the grouchy mood that he is in. MEN!!!!!! Can't live with them (sometimes), can't live with out them (the rest of the time).