Thursday, October 26, 2006

True Friends

How can you know what a true friend is? To me it is someone who doesn't talk about you behind your back, does not judge you and loves you unconditionally. Someone who is there for you through thick and thin. Someone you would trust with your deepest darkest secrets. I also think a true friend is someone who shares in your life experiences with you. Someone who takes the time to understand what your about, what your going through, what you have been through and cheers you on in your accomplishments. A true friend loves you inspite of your faults and loves your little quirks that tend to make you uniquely you. A true friend will share their experiences with you, so you know what to look forward to when you go through something that they have already been through. I have been blessed with a couple of very special, true friends in my live over the past 15 years. I can't say though that I ever had a true friend during my childhood. I thought I did a few times but I always seemed to be on the wrong end of the deal. I am happy to say though that a few friends from those years over time have been come true friends. God has also blessed me through the internet with a way to meet a couple of great true friends. Yes, that is right I said the internet. You can make wonderful friends on the internet. Some of them can even become true friends. I have 2 in preticular who meet much more than just being a true friend. One is a Sister at Heart and other is my Misplaced Sister. Your asking what the difference between a Sister at Heart and a Misplaced Sister, well a Sister at Heart is someone you wish was your sister and a Misplaced Sister is someone you relate to so deeply and is so much like you that it is like they got Misplaced in some other family. I thank God for both of them and for my other True Friends.

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