Thursday, March 15, 2007

Washing Cell Phones

I still can't believe that I didn't check my shorts and let me pretty pink cell phone go through the washing machine. Let me tell you, Cell Phones (even pretty pink ones) don't care for washing machines and being washed. Guess I will have to purchase another one. Hubby is none to pleased, it was a Razor phone. Costly. I promise it was an accident, I didn't do it to see if it was waterproof.


Jennifer said...

Oh no you didnt!!! Are you serious? I am sorry. I am sitting here laughing at you because it is so something I would do!!!!! Did you at least fabric softener on the pretty pink phone to soften its death?
Girl you are too funny

Desiree's Daily Life said...

Oh yes I did! I can tell you it smelled all Lavendarly. Kirk ordered me a new one today!