Wednesday, August 08, 2007

What I have been busy doing

Finally got a Dynamo Labeler and let me tell you, I have been going hog wild with the thing. I have labeled all Edwards toy bins and buckets in the playroom, not to mention various containers that hold things for Homeschooling in the schoolroom. Speaking of Homeschooling, I bought a Laminator to do laminating when needed. I laminated over 80 Curriculum flashcards, that came with the new Curriculum that we are using this year. This laminater will laminate items up to 9 x 11.5. Which is great, I came make Wipeable Letters that Edward can trace over and over again. Still working on getting the house back in order after being sick much of last month. I have the maids coming in at the end of the month to do a deep clean, so that we can start the school year off in a spic and span house. That will be nice. Still need a few things for Edwards new Curriculum but slowing collecting what is needed. I thought for sure there wouldn't be anything else I could need for him but when I got the new Curriculum there were things in there that I hadn't even thought about. Edward is getting excited about school but most of all I think he is excited about going to his Grandma Bev's House for Thanksgiving. We watch Noggin and when it asks where you want to go on a vacation, he has been answering GRANDMA'S!!!! After the house is back together, Edward has begun homeschooling, then it will be time to start working on these neat projects that I have bought to make for Christmas this year. I need to get them done by the end of November, so as you can imagine, I am giong to be one busy girl. I like staying busy or at least keeping my mind and hands busy. I plan to conquer the attic and the craft room this winter too, when it is much cooler to work in them, as there is no air conditioning in them. The attic more likely will be late fall before it gets to cold. I want to get everything organized so I can get to our holiday decorations and go through all of Edwards old play things, see what I truly want to keep for any possible future child(ren) or grandchild(ren) and what I want to sell a garage sale next year. I need to get my craftroom cleaned so that when I am done working on my Christmas projects, I can get my scrapbooking going towards caught up and maybe get out a cross-stitch project to do. I am itching so bad to do some crafting. Plus there are things in there that can be used in Homeschool Arts and Craft Projects. Well I think I have rambled on enough for now.

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