Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ode to the Squirrel

We have some squirrels that live in our neighborhood. I refer to them as cheeky. We have a few that will sunbathe themselves on our front stoop. They love to dig up my flower pots. Then when we had our new front lawn put in, they began to dig little holes in the bark. They are looking for nuts that fall from a few of the trees in the area. We have hazelnuts and walnuts. Our neighbor also feeds them so, this also tends to attract them to our area of the neighborhood. Edward and I even have made up a song about them:Those cheeky, cheeky squirrels dug up my plants. Thats okay 'cause I'll teach them to dance.Well, today I went out to bring in the trash cans. When I was walking back into the house, I noticed that they had been digging up my fall plants in my pot. I had bought 7 little pumpkins to put in front of the pot to add a little harvest (fall) look to the area on the stoop. Guess what now those little stinkers are stealing the mini pumpkins. There are only 4 of them left.

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