Thursday, January 22, 2009

25 Things About Me

You're suppose to write a note about 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you.

1. Kirk and I met through a Telephone Dating Service in Dec of 91 and got married Feb of 92. This Feb will be 17 yrs of marriage.

2. It took us 10 1/2 yrs to conceive Edward because I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) has nothing to do with timing or not thinking about is a very depressing and difficult form of infertility to go through

3. Loves the color Pink

4. Was in the Miss American Co-Ed Pageant for 5 yrs (8th grade to 12th grade)

5. An Advocate for Breast Feeding

6. Worked as a live out Nanny for 4 months shy of 5 yrs (2 families total during that are now 16, 14, 10 (almost 11) and I feel old just saying that)

7. I love to cook (I use recipes as a guideline and make them my own by twisting them to make them even better)

8. I home school Edward (it's like being able to go through school all over again and being able to enjoy it this time through)

9. Loves to read

10. Been in 21 of the Continental United States and hopes to visit the rest of them in my life time

11. Never been away from Edward overnight, except for when he and Daddy have their boys nights together

12. I wanted to be an actress when I was growing up, I took drama in high school and was in a play

13. The other thing I wanted to be was a Child Psychologist

14. Loves Dark Chocolate

15. Been to the Virgin Islands on a Cruise for my 18th Birthday, thanks to my Grandma (we went together and it was a blast...yep I said I had a blast with my grandma on a trip...she was a cool grandma...very hip)

16. My parents were only 17 and 18 years old when I was born

17. Loves to scrapbook and do cross-stitching

18. Was listed in the Who's Who of High School Students Books (why I am not sure, I didn't do much in High School...only in S.A.F.T.Y. E. Club, Girls Club (1 or 2 yrs), Drama (1 yr) and Choir (can't carry a note to save my life)

19. I have lived in Washington State (from birth to almost 21 yrs old), Arizona ( almost 2 yrs), Minnesota (3 months), Oklahoma (11 1/2 yrs) and Kansas (2 1/2 yrs so far)

20. Loves Photography

21. Wishes she would have gone to college

22. Been engaged 1 other time, before Kirk

23. Is part Irish

24. Has 1 biological Brother (who has a little boy now...a nephew) and 8 step-brothers and sisters from 3 marriages (mom was married 2 more times and dad once).

25. Loves anything to do with the Amish (her guest room is decorated with Amish stuff and she lives only about 30 minutes from a Amish Community)

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