Saturday, August 05, 2006

Dog Days of Summer

It has been a very ho hum day around here, the only thing I have accomplished is getting the front and back yards mowed. I am so glad that that is done and I will not have to worry about it until I return from WA state. I am going to finish folding Laundry and getting the rest of the packing for our trip done (well, as much of it as I can). Edward is playing and Kirk has been doing some work that he brought home. So pretty much been a quiet day for us in the Thompson household. The only true excitement that we have had today is this morning when I was mowing and Edward let the dogs (Bear and Storm) out of the yard. Had to have Kirk drive around front and chase them down. Lucky for us as soon as they see our van, they come riding, eager to get a car ride. Sebastian doesn't have enough pep in him anymore to get to the gate before we realize that it is open.....but when he gets out boy does he go. So far he hasn't gotten out of our yard but once. Bear and Storm (mostly Bear) have gotten out a gazillion times already. It is never a dull day with them around. Storm had to have a small hair cut, as she got gum in her fur somehow (hummm, a little boy named Edward did it). So it will be interesteing to see what color her hair comes in as. The reason I say this is because the dog is a freak of nature, besides being made out of eyelashes, her fur as gone from Black to a light brown as she has aged, now when you remove hair from her it tends come in white. I swear it is like a life expectancy gage. When she is completely white, she'll have lived the life she wanted and leave us. Kirk says she looks like a bat without wings. I say she is sooooo Ugly that she is cute. She defiantly is one of a kind that is for sure. She has kept her puppy looks for the most part and she is still as peppy as ever at 8 almost 9 yrs old. Bear is our Fur ball, dumber than a box of rocks (walks into walls at times) but as sweet and patient as can be. He is still young and pretty active. He's 4 1/2. Sebastian is our old man, he is 9 almost 10 yrs old. He is already on a geriatric plan with our vet. He has alot of ear issues, bless his heart. When he was a puppy we weren't sure if he would make it in our home. He was constantly dashing out the doors when you opened them, then he would run you ragged trying to chase him down. Once he even got into the frig and at sour cream, eggs, yougurt, cream cheese and various other types of food one. WHAT A MESS that was!!! It is hard watching him getting older and slower. Knowing that one day (before we know it or are ready for it to happen) he'll leave us for Doggy Heaven. Yes, I believe that animals go to heaven, they are creatures of God too. Weeeeellllll, I better get to folding and packing.....and get a load of laundry started. Chow for now!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

So when you gonna post some pictures on this blog of yours of the fur kids and the other kid