Friday, April 06, 2007


When we took Sebastian (our Beagle) to the vet last week. I convinced them (finally) to give him something for Arthritis. He has been very stiff in the hind legs, he has even fallen down our stairs a few times and sometimes can't even get up them. Well, the new vet (the last time we saw a vet was right before we moved from Oklahoma last June) agreed to put him on a 2 week trial of meds to see if we can see a difference in him. Well, I am so happy we have. He has a little more pep in him, is able to mange the stairs much better, and he isn't as touchy in his hind legs. He was so touchy before from being in pain. He has only been taking the meds for about 4 days now. Both Kirk and I are so pleased, it seems he has been given a little more of his life back...he is even up moving around more even with this cold weather we have gotten all of a sudden. I hope that they keep him on the meds. The bad news with Sebastian though is that he is almost completely deaf now do to ear problems. There is nothing we can do for this, unfortuantly. As long as he has a good healthy quality life, that is all we care about and want for him.

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