Thursday, April 05, 2007

Where did Spring Go?????

Kirk called a little bit ago, asking if he had stepped into a time warp this morning because he could swear yesterday it was April but today it is February. LOL!!! It started snowing here at 1:30ish this afternoon and is still coming down over 2 and half hours later. Big Fluffy White Snowflakes. Thought you would love to see some pictures of it, so I included them above for you. One is of our street (the bottom one) and the other is of our house with our blooming Red Bud (yes I know it is purple but it is called a Red Bud (Oklahoma State Tree)) tree in the front. I am so happy we have a few of these trees around because they are my favorites. Just a side note.


Anonymous said...

That tree is gorgeous and I love your brick road. Ahh I wish I lived there. We got the snow also but it didnt stick

Anonymous said...

It looks so pretty, but weird! Of course, when I lived in Denver, it was common to have snow in April and even through to the first part of May...........but Kansas?! lol Trisha
p.s I love your Redbud tree.