Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I just wanted to post what I am thankful for (in no particular order):

  1. God has blessed me during this season of my life with wonderful friends, that mean more to me than words will ever be able to express properly. They are older women (Titus 2 type Women) who have been there to help guide me through my first years of homeschooling, who encourage me and love me in spite of my faults (and trust me they are many). They see the "diamond" in the rough and know that it can one day be a thing of great beauty. God knew that I needed these type of women in my life and to me they are more precious than any gemstone. There are days I wonder where I would be without them.
  2. I am grateful for my friends around my age also, ones are facing the same issues that I am. These gals also love me in spite of my faults, encourage me, and gripe me out when I need it. They too are my sisters that God has provided to me in this season of my life. Some I have known almost all my life and others just a few years, but still to me each is just as precious as the next.
  3. I am grateful for my son, he is the light of my day. Homeschooling brings our relationship to a whole new level. We are together 24/7 and pretty much 365 days of the year. While we have our moments and our struggles, those could and will never out weigh the special moments of I Love Yous, Sticky Hugs, Wet Kisses, Quirky Stories, Rambunctious Games and Lazy Days. I dread the time when he will be grown and leaves the nest. Until then I will cherish each and every moment with him, even the rough they are all learning and growing experiences.
  4. My Husband of almost 17 years. We have weathered some pretty stormy waters together, yet we still cleave to each other. I have been asked, how I managed to go through all that I did with Kirk when he lost his arm 4 years ago. I say it is love, devotion and taking my wedding vows seriously. I said for better and for worse and I meant God was there to help us each along that dark and storm path. Those days were some of the worst but we made. Trust me not every day is all roses, kisses and whatever you want darling. After all he is still him and I am still me, we are human and have our own faults, opinions and characters. We just strive to work it out when it gets rough.
  5. I am also thankful for my extended family and their love for me, good health, that I have a roof over my head and healthy things to eat.

I challenge you to post what you are thankful for this Thanksgiving Day Week.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

This was a beautiful post and really brought tears to my eyes. I love you Desiree