Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Oral Surgery Tomorrow

Edward has his Oral Surgery tomorrow. I am nervous about my son being put under and having a surgical procedure done on him (even though I know it is just a small procedure). He is my baby and I want to be there with him during this but during the actual surgery....even before they put him under....we can't be with him. I know he is going to cry and scream, fight them to get to us. I just know it is going to break his heart and mine. Luckily for me Kirk, will be there with me. I don't think I could go through this alone. Will let you know how it went.


Jennifer said...

I will be praying for him Desiree. I know how you feel and I will be thinking of you all tomorrow. Do you have a specially lovey or something he can take in with him?

Desiree's Daily Life said...

Yes thankfully we do. He will be taking his woobie with him. They said he can take it with him all the way through the whole thing. I am so happy about that, that he will have something he loves with him.