Monday, March 26, 2007

A Funny

Okay I am warning you right up front that this has to do with a woman's time of the month and might be a little TMI for some folks. Edward will not stay out of the bathroom (can't lock the doors...down stairs bath has a pocket lock and no way to lock it or even hold it closed where he can't get in. Upstairs has a lock but whatever idiot painted the lock and we can't get it to work correctly, scared we might get locked in the bathroom. Old door with old lock, so wont take out because we want to keep our house as close to original as possible (it is almost 100 yrs old)) when I am in there. I usually don't care but I do when it is that time of the month (which with my PCOS isn't guaranteed to take place every month unless I am taking fertility meds). Anyways needless to say he has seen things like pads and tampons. Today while the men where downstairs dealing with the new washer and dryer, Edward was helping me get his lunch ready. He saw some used tea bags ( strings) on my tea bag hold. They were purplish red due to be pomogrant green tea. He says to me kinda loud, mommy why do you put these in your gyna. I thought he asked why I put them in my china, so I said to make tea honey. No he said, pointing to at me and asking again why do you put these in your gyna? I said oh no honey, those are to make tea. I left it at that. I didn't want to get into why women menstrate with my 3 almost 4 yr old. Sometimes he can ask the most inappropriate questions at the most inappropriate times. We don't hide things from him, we are very up front about everything but we do only answer accordingly to his age. We believe you have to be open about your body and why God made it the way he did, in order to give him a good self image about his body. I really can't stand it when I hear parents asking their children things like "does your wooo hooo hurt??" or "did you make a nice shuuu shuuu?" What is that all about? Why can't they just come out and ask directly what they are wanting to know. They are only causing confussion and teaching their children to be ashamed of how God made them. I think it is a crying shame.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I agree with you on using the proper names for the body parts. Reynaldo had a friend in school who used to say in front of the whole class that he had to go shoo shoo. The kids would all laugh at him. As for the Teabag laugh Mr. Edward is just one very observant little boy. Good for him. Make sure you write this all down in his baby book so someday when he has kids that do embarrassing things in front of him you can remind him LOL